Full Info. about CPU and GPU..

         CPU vs GPU?? Graphics Processing Unit.....

              Hey do you know what is CPU and GPU. Most of the people know about CPU but most of the not know about GPU . Today lets talk about the difference between GPU and CPU then let's get start it.
               First of all we will talk about CPU............

                             CPU(Central Processing Unit).

Image result for CPU

CPU(Central Processing Unit) is a processor of compuers and mobile basically CPU is mind of computers and mobiles . It is a general purpose processor it is done all the works like addition substraction,or look movies or listen songs and you can browse anything on internet that means you can done all the things thay's why it is a general purpose processor

  How does the CPU process data???

The computer does its primary work in a part of the machine we cannot see, a control center that converts data input to information output. This control center, called the central processing unit (CPU), is a highly complex, extensive set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions.

         CPU vs GPU?? Graphics Processing Unit.....
              Hey do you know what is CPU and GPU. Most of the people know about CPU but most of the not know about GPU . Today lets talk about the difference between GPU and CPU then let's get start it.

               First of all we will talk about CPU............

                             CPU(Central Processing Unit).
Image result for CPU

CPU(Central Processing Unit) is a processor of compuers and mobile basically CPU is mind of computers and mobiles . It is a general purpose processor it is done all the works like addition substraction,or look movies or listen songs and you can browse anything on internet that means you can done all the things thay's why it is a general purpose processor


  How does the CPU process data???

The computer does its primary work in a part of the machine we cannot see, a control center that converts data input to information output. This control center, called the central processing unit (CPU), is a highly complex, extensive set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions.

                                   GPU(Graphics Processing Unit).

GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) it is a specific processing processor which handle only the graphics it is done it with the help of parallel computing.

There two type of GPU.

Image result for GPU

1.Integrated GPU   

Integrated GPU is the GPU which is the part of that processor whuch handle the graphics.


Dedicated GPU means it is not a part of internal processor it is in laptops,computers like GTX 1080 that type of GPU is the Dedicated GPU 

                                   GPU(Graphics Processing Unit).

GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) it is a specific processing processor which handle only the graphics it is done it with the help of parallel computing.
There two type of GPU.
Image result for GPU

1.Integrated GPU   

Integrated GPU is the GPU which is the part of that processor whuch handle the graphics.


Dedicated GPU means it is not a part of internal processor it is in laptops,computers like GTX 1080 that type of GPU is the Dedicated GPU 

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